Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Spring 2005 Reading Group plans

Welcome back, everyone! Happy 2005!
CoLR will be having its first general meeting of the semester very soon. Look for emails.
And here are the details for the reading group, which begins again next week.

We will meet every week for the 8 weeks beginning the week of January 18 and ending the week before spring break, the week of March 7.

The semester will focus on 2 core topics and 2 issues: Critical Race Theory, Feminist/Queer Legal Theory, and Voting Rights and Prison Reform.

The readings will be limited in page number so that they're not too taxing in any given week.

For more information
Contact John Smith,

In Memoriam: Kim Barry

On November 20, 2004, Ms. Kim Barry, NYU Law Furman Fellow and former member of CoLR, passed away. She was an amazing scholar, kind mentor, and inspiring role model for all of us here. She will be missed sorely.
Please read more about her: