Friday, October 22, 2004

Want to be a law professor? Mentorship and advice

Finally updated. Thanks for being patient. (Jan. 11, 2005)

Thanks to the CoLR board members who organized the faculty-student mixer for underrepresented students aspiring for careers in legal teaching. If you are a person of color, a woman, or an LGBT student, and want a faculty mentor, please contact CoLR. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone even considering a future in legal academia.

Preparation and highlights from the night:

. We created signup sheets for students and faculty interested in the mentorship program.
. CoLR wanted to start the mentorship program to provide opportunities for underrepresented student populations to have formal and informal mentor relationships with interested faculty.

. Each professor in attendance talked briefly about his or her experience in the field and how s/he came to be a professor. Professors who spoke included:
--Rachel Barkow
--Kim Barry
--Kevin Davis
--Babe Howell
--Nancy Morawetz
--Smita Narula

--Cristina Rodriguez
--Meg Satterthwaite

Advice offered:

. Generally:
--Grades and performance while in law school are important.
--Join a journal or find other opportunities to produce some writing/scholarship while in school.
--Work as a research assistant and engage closely with faculty while in school.
--Apply for clerkships as a 3L.
--Look for fellowship opportunities, such as NYU's Furman and Alexander Fellowships.

. For students interested in clinical professorships:
--Work intensively in a particular field for several years before applying at schools. Some writing is important, but scholarship is less critical than teaching/lawyering ability.

. For students interested in academic professorships:
--Don't work for too long after graduation/clerkship before applying for teaching positions.
--It is vital to build up scholarship and be published.


Blogger Tricia said...

Um, I'm assuming those comments are no longer forthcoming? Also, is there anyway that other people can post updates?

November 15, 2004 at 6:48 PM  

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